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Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

10-Strike LANState 6.3r Pro

10-Strike LANState 6.3r Pro

10-Strike LANState - sebuah program untuk administrasi dan monitoring server, komputer, dan perangkat jaringan lainnya.Dengan LANState Anda dapat melihat status jaringan dalam bentuk grafik, perubahan secara real time, mengelola server dan workstation, memonitor perangkat remote melalui polling berkala komputer. Mekanisme pemantauan dengan alarm memungkinkan untuk menerima pemberitahuan tepat waktu berbagai acara - masalah jaringan, kurangnya ruang pada server, kegagalan dalam pelayanan, dan sebagainya.

10-Strike LANState is a network mapping and monitoring software for networks. You can use the program for corporate Microsoft Windows network management and administration.
LANState generates a network map, which speeds up accessing to remote hosts' properties and resources, and managing those. Scan your network, find hosts, place them on a network diagram, and monitor their state visually! The program exports network diagrams to graphic images, Microsoft Visio, and XML files.

Network map builder: Create network maps automatically via the SNMP protocol, export them to MS Visio
Network monitor: Monitor hosts, servers, and services
Alerter: Be notified on network or service failures
LANState Pro: Access actual network diagram in real-time using the program's web interface 

LANState has a rich host monitoring functionality with multiple types of host checks, which allows you to see the state of your network at any time. The program displays a network map, monitoring device's state (active/inactive) in real-time. You just click a tray icon at any time, and see which servers and computers are switched on, and which do not respond. Web UI is also supported (LANState Pro).

Employing LANState makes it essentially easier to administer and monitor processes in networks of any ranges or sizes.

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10-Strike LANState 6.3r Pro Eng
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