Cek proses yang berjalan, kunci registri, unsur ActiveX. Memiliki antarmuka yang sangat ramah, melalui mana, mudah digunakan, dan mengesankan database tanda tangan tidak akan mengizinkan mata-mata apapun tidak diketahui.
SpyHunter adalah, Powerfull Real-time Anti-Spyware Aplikasi disertifikasi oleh West Coast Labs 'Sistem Sertifikasi Checkmark dan dirancang untuk membantu pengguna dalam Komputer Rata-rata Melindungi PC mereka dari Ancaman berbahaya. ot
Here are some key features of "Spy Hunter":
· Removes spyware, adware, keyloggers, cookies, spyware registry keys, toolbars, internal popup programs, memory resident spyware
· Remove spyware programs that may be slowing down your computer
· Database of 500 spyware and adware threats
· Free Updates when available for new spyware parasites
· Fastest Scanner on the marketplace (timed vs other products)
· Rollback Capabilities, to undo the spyware you removed.
· Easy to use interface, (designed to be as simple as a child's toy)
How SpyHunter can Benefit You
- Detect, remove and block thousands of spyware, rootkits, adware, keyloggers, cookies, trojans, worms and other types malware.
- New! Integrated SpyHunter Compact OS to aid in removal of rootkits and other stubborn malware parasites.
- New! System Guards will identify and stop any processes that attempt to secretly auto-start malware entries by exploiting the Windows registry.
- New! Exclusions feature allows you to exclude certain programs from being detected in future SpyHunter scans.
- Interactive one-on-one customer support service called Spyware HelpDesk.
- New spyware definitions updates added daily to ensure complete protection from the latest malware trends.
- Easy to use interface with intelligent automatic protection.
- Custom malware fixes specific to your computer’s spyware problems. SpyHunter’s Spyware HelpDesk creates a diagnostic report that is analyzed by our technicians, and an automated custom fix generated from the report is sent back to you via SpyHunter.
Home Page: www.enigmasoftware.com
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
| Interface: English
| Size: 29.33 MB
link download : http://www.mediafire.com/?res2pz9w8v7rubj
link alternatif : http://files.indowebster.com/download/files/spyhunter_4_11_10_4
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